i'm not gonna
get all into detail about this blog, 'cause well.. its a rather simple concept w/ a catchy name.. Here's tha deal- Im gonna start a new theme every week. I will write a haiku or several [depending on my mood] to start tha week off, and you guys will then get ur thinking caps on, and follow it up with a haiku of your own, obviously sticking with the weekly theme- Hell, i may even choose my favorite entry of yours as the DESSERT OF THA WEEK! soooo.. lets get started-
This weeks theme: [Mount Fuji]
here's a little somethin' i cooked up..
Fuji of Winter;
peaceful, strong, and majestic
wears a crown of snow
New day dawns misty
Tea leaves await their harvest
Fuji-san watches
The Earth once stood tall
its curiosity was of
clouds over japan